Designed for the current day athlete, Advanced Polymer Technology’s renowned Rekortan® track systems are a diverse, world-class series of polyurethane running tracks that are unmatched in quality and performance. The Rekortan debut in 1969 revolutionized the track world with quality and innovation, forever crowning their systems as “the fast tracks.”

What makes Rekortan different?
The Gel Series
Rekortan’s new Gel Series is an impermeable full pour track system that removes the need for any seams or joins in your track surface, thus reducing moisture-related issues and guaranteeing you get the longest duration possible from your track investment. In addition to these performance-enhancing features, Rekortan’s Gel Series is also better for the environment. Ssing innovative technology, Rekortan has created the world’s first truly environmentally-friendly track made from totally renewable resources– plants! With performance ratings as high, if not higher than traditional tracks, this new generation product is reinventing the wheel when it comes to track systems.
SmarTracks by Rekortan
Rekortan also now proudly offers the world’s first intelligent running track system. SmarTracks provide precise performance diagnostics recorded by timing gates that are integrated into the tracks themselves, and connect with a sensor or smartphone worn by the athlete. Amazingly, the system has higher measurement accuracy than other time recording systems such as light barriers or GPS video evaluations, and the timing gates work in any weather as well as for different athletes simultaneously.
Installed in hundreds of facilities across the globe, Rekortan products are unmatched in durability and performance, and that’s why they’re trusted by athletes everywhere. Work with Symmetry for your next Rekortan track system today!